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Posts tagged ‘Emmys’

Alec Baldwin Makes a House-Call

I got a call from the LA TImes asking me to shoot a portrait of Alec Baldwin a few weeks back for the cover of their “Envelope” special section….a section about the Emmys. Alec got nominated. Anyhow, they wanted to shoot somewhere private and asked If I had a studio, which I dont, but I suggested my backyard and the deal was set; Alec Baldwin coming over to my apartment for a photoshoot! Wild!

Turned out he canceled the shoot when he got here because he was too hot. So we did a reshoot a few days later in the Hamptons.

*****READ THE LA TIMES ARTICLE….it talks about his sweaty experience at my apartment at the beginning, middle, and end!!!

Alec Baldwin

LA Times Envelope cover

Alec Baldwin


Alec Baldwin


Noah Gilbert

Buddy Noah posing in one of the would-be shots if Alec had shot in my backyard

Alec Baldwin - Robert Caplin

Alec and me in my backyard.

8 Aug 2008